How To Cook Bok Choy, Reading and Happy New Year!

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Do you like a variety of vegetables? We are lucky enough to find a huge range of seasonal fruit and vegetables in our shops. After the indulgences of Christmas and Boxing Day I like to make light, fresh, easy to eat meals. (That’s in between finishing off the ham and Christmas puddings.)

Bok Choy, Leafy Greens, Fresh Produce

Today for lunch I quickly cooked bok choy and prawns. At the end I added some garlic and it was very good. This was a light meal for a very hot day while we sat watching the cricket on the TV.

Begin by chopping the ends off the bok choy and washing each leaf thoroughly under running water. There’s often sand trapped between the leaves. Shake them to dry them. Usually I chop them into thin strips but today I cooked the whole leaves. This vegetable cooks down a lot, so make sure you have at least one bunch per person.

Heat about a quarter of a cup of water in a frying pan over high heat until it boils, then toss in the leaves. Let them settle, then swish the leaves around, using tongs, cook some more, swish, until the leaves are wilted and the water has evaporated. I add some finely diced garlic at the point. Serve as desired.

This time I removed the bok choy from the pan, splashed in some extra virgin olive oil and flash fried some peeled prawns. When they were ready I served the bok choy and prawns. You could add rice or noodles. This simple and quick meal tasted wonderful.


The gentle lull between Boxing Day and the New Year is the most perfect time to enjoy some quiet time reading. As a family we all enjoy gifts of books for Christmas. In fact, my husband always gets exactly what he wants for Christmas and his birthday; he buys the books he wants and I wrap them!

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Australian Vogue, this months cover features Nicole Kidman, “our Nic”. Really interesting to read about the fashion revolution of the 60’s and 70’s because I was there! Iconic photographs and pieces by past editors, designers, models and photographers makes for an great edition.

Unlike a magazine which is easy to pick up and put down with its shorter pieces, some of these books below have been very difficult to put down.

A fortnight ago I read Alice Hoffman’s  “The Marriage of Opposites” and was struck by the cleverly researched facts supported by fiction resulting in an evocative and engaging story, so I can’t wait to start “The World That We Knew” published 2019.

Really enjoyed Anne Glenconnor’s “Lady In Waiting”. Her biography is a rich mix of aristocratic families, royalty, travel and courage. She is also an occasional columnist for the Spectator. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, her story is fascinating and I really enjoyed this book.

Lady in Waiting : My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown - Anne Glenconner

Two gorgeous Christmas gift books, with a  common theme, are Janelle McCulloch’s “Gardens of Style” which is typically fabulous, like all her books and Jackie Bennett’s “The Artist’s Garden”


McCulloch’s book came gift wrapped and sealed to add to it’s allure. Many happy hours ahead. And some new ideas for the garden, I hope, although our garden is tiny and the gardens featured are often very big. Two beautiful books.

The Artist's Garden


Photo of Fireworks Display

After what has seemed like the fastest year ever, we are about to embark on a new decade. Do you make New Year resolutions? For many of us, the new year is seen as a new start, a fresh beginning, resulting in lists of resolutions. These lists often revolve around self-improvement. So, weight loss, fitness, healthier food and less alcohol.

Some lists focus on improving the work/life balance, resolving problems at work, earning more money or planning for retirement. Or perhaps planning the holidays all that work will finance.

I don’t make New Year resolutions but will continue walking 12 000+ steps every day,  investigate more ways to use less plastic and continue decluttering. Had some success throwing out, donating and even selling things during the past week but there’s so much more to go!

So, do you make lists? Do you make permanent changes or do your plans slowly, or even quickly, fall by the way?

Whatever your approach,wishing you a HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR and thank you for reading my blog!



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